As many of us were growing up. We were repeatedly reminded that our main path in life was to: Graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, get married, build a nice picket fenced home in the suburbs, and have a couple of children, To this mindset, we were anchored, but somewhere along the journey, we became obsessed with a lie. That lie was based on the constructed framework that life is in a neat little package, and that everything that we plan will work in our favor.
You continue to follow the plan. You find some interests and passions. You graduate, get into a workplace and quickly realize something different–unhappy people. People walk around like drones too emotionally desensitized to even say, “Good morning”. They have become slaves to their own limited beliefs about who they really are. So you put your head down and focus on your work. After a few months or even years, you realize you have been passed over one promotion after another. People who are less intelligent or who are less hard working than you end up get raises and promotions. You start feeling like everything you’ve worked hard for has gone down the drain. Your life becomes stagnant. You might even quit and move to one job after the other. This is where we start giving into the biggest lie.
And that lie is…….”Find your Life Purpose”. You know, the lovey dove stuff. You become so focused on discovering what is this life purpose. that you’re supposed to have. Everyone else who is successful, found their purpose, right? Why haven’t you?
So, I am bold enough to say the biggest lie of the era “I Need to Find My Life Purpose”. In these moments when we feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled, what we fail to realize that life is messy and can become chaotic. Circumstances can suck the energy out of you, but It’s how you think and react that determines the outcome.
What we do is start looking for that ONE thing that is going to make our lives fall into the perfection that we expect. We diminish our existence to one thing that supposedly will bring forth our greatness.
Real talk. We need to expand our minds. If you are reeeeeeeally hoping that I am joking and you reeeeeeeally need me to tell you your PURPOSE, then here ya go. Your Purpose in life is to LIVE LIFE. The Great and Powerful Oz has spoken.
But seriously, I believe we use the phrase to procrastinate from truly living. We get so bogged down our own limited thinking, making sure that you are only doing what you are passionate about, and only structure our lives based around our passions. We even reject the notion that doing something that you dislike just might bring you fulfillment. However, I’ve learned there is no growth in comfort.
We place artificial values on purposes. It is not always about how much money we make or the number of people we impact or even how good it makes us feel. Sometimes our purpose is seemingly small. We might not realize it because of our limitations. Other times, we have a revelation of what it is, but when we acknowledge it, we go running in the oppositie direction. We do not realize that the minuscule encounter just might be a set up for a larger purpose that will bring you deep satisfaction. When we run from it we sacrifice the rewards that are awaiting us….If only we pushed through.
At the end of the day, you have to realize that you are not here to do ONE thing; your PURPOSES are many and they are revealed to you in its season. You live in dynamic environment that requires you to #KeepReinventing, growing and preparing. You cannot continue to place limitations on greatness..We have only #OneLifeLiveThem.
A quote says:
You are being called to live a bigger life. Answer the call. Playing small does not serve you. You have so much more to offer, and you know it. Get out of your comfort zone. Take some chances and do something that scares you out of your wits! Create some adventure, and make it your business to express more of yourself. You have miracle working powers that you have not used yet, and the world is waiting for you to bring you best stuff forward. Do it Now! – Les Brown.
It is through creation of adventure and taking chances that we discover our purpose in its season. Live Life and find Purpose in every aspect of it!