- Student Art Guide http://www.studentartguide.com/ Student Art Guide is a site dedicated to helping students of the arts explore and gain information about careers in the arts field. Users will find articles, resources, career information and more.
- The American Art Therapy Association
http://www.arttherapy.org This is a nonprofit organization for professionals and students in art therapy. This site contains an overview of the profession, FAQs, and information about educational requirements. - The Art Career Project http://www.theartcareerproject.com This site contains information about every art career imaginable, a searchable list of art schools, employment opportunities, and profiles of professional artists.
- The Association of Medical Illustrators http://ami.org The Association of Medical Illustrators promotes the power of visual media to advance scientific understanding, communication, education, and research. This site also contains information about the field of medical illustration, how to enter the field, and board certification.
- International Interior Design Association http://www.iida.org This website contains current events information, interior design-related publications, and a career center with tips, resources and a job board for opportunities in interior design.
- American Dance Therapy Association https://www.adta.org The professional association related to dance therapy has an entire section of its website dedicated to information related to how to become a dance therapist. Information on training programs, jobs, and continuing education is provided.
- Style Careers http://stylecareers.com This website is primarily a job board for fashion jobs, but also has career information, current events news in fashion, employer information, and job search tips and advice.
- Backstage https://www.backstage.com Backstage is an online job and professional development hub for actors (film, TV, voiceover, and theatre). While users have to join to view full job listings and casting calls, helpful free resources, articles, and career-related information is housed on the site as well.
- Broadway World http://www.broadwayworld.com This website contains information about current events and education in theatre. The “student” section has information on education, degrees, and schools that offer training in a variety of theatre-related occupations.
- Creative Skill Set http://creativeskillset.org/creative_industries This is a UK website, but it contains transferable information related to types of creative industries and informative descriptions of job titles (“roles”) in film, tv, visual effects, radio, and more.
- Get In Media – Film & TV http://getinmedia.com/industry/film-tv This site contains articles with career information specific to occupations in film and television.
- Playbill http://www.playbill.com Playbill is a live theatre information website. It showcases articles about current events and news in theatre and has a job board for theatrical openings for performers and non-performers in the field.
- American Institute of Graphic Arts http://www.aiga.org AIGA is the professional association for design. Select Resources to access the AIGA Career and Education Guide to learn what graphic designers do and to obtain information about design schools.
- Animation Career Review http://www.animationcareerreview.com A site dedicated to helping individuals learn information and find opportunities in animation. The “Careers in Animation” tab has information on types of job titles, employer information, industry trends, salary information and more.
- Game Career Guide http://www.gamecareerguide.com This website has information on how to pursue a career in the virtual gaming industry (design, production, and other related careers). Users will find a “digital counselor” feature that helps them locate information that matches their interests as well as news articles, school information, a job board, and forums.
- Radio Television Digital News Association https://www.rtdna.org/ Career, training, scholarship and current events information in digital news is available at this site. There is also a free job board for news-related careers.
- Society of Professional Journalists https://www.spj.org The Society of Professional Journalists is the professional organization for journalists. This web site provides resources and information about ethics, freedom of press, diversity, and education. It also offers career advice, employment opportunities, and resources for students and young professionals.
- Association of Writers and Writing Programs https://www.awpwriter.org A career and industry information resource for writers. There is a career section with a job board (create a free account to access), career advice articles, and videos.
- InfoComm International https://www.infocomm.org/cps/rde/xchg/infocomm/hs.xsl/index.htm A site with information on careers in audio/visual technology. Users will find articles, event information, a career center with special features for students, podcasts, videos and more.
- National Communication Association http://www.natcom.org This web site provides resources, news and support for communications professionals. It also contains a career center, and career information including a definition of communications, the history of communications, and a list of specializations within the discipline of communications.
- National Systems Contractors Association https://www.nsca.org/ NSCA is a not-for-profit organization serving as a resource and advocate for communications industry technicians. Occupation and industry information, a career center, blogs, and other resources are accessible via this site.
- New Jersey Communication Association https://njca.rutgers.edu/communication-careers/ This web site contains links and an exhaustive list of possible job titles for communications majors in industries such as business, advertising/marketing/sales, journalism, communication education, television/broadcasting, public relations, theatre/performing arts, government, high tech industries, health care, international relations, law, human services, labor relations, higher education, and research.
- Radio Television Digital News Association https://www.rtdna.org/ Career, training, scholarship and current events information in digital news is available at this site. There is also a free job board for news-related careers.
- American Music Therapy Association http://www.musictherapy.org This is the professional web site for music therapists. Visit the Education & Careers page for information about a career in music therapy, educational requirements, licensure, schools, personal qualifications, and employment opportunities.
- Careers in Music https://www.berklee.edu/careers-music Created by the Berklee College of Music, this site provides information about a wide array of careers in music in composition, business, education, production, therapy, performance, and song writing.
- MajoringinMusic.com http://majoringinmusic.com/ Users will find music blog posts, articles, scholarship information, summer music program information, school information, and more. There is a special section for parents, teachers, and counselors.