AHIMA Careers in Health Information Management http://www.ahima.org/careers An online career center for students and those interested in health information management fields. Occupation and salary information as well as career preparation tools and mentoring program information are provided.
Computer Science Online Guide to IT Careers http://www.computerscienceonline.org/information-technology a comprehensive site that provides information about IT career pathways and resources for education, training, certification, and more.
Conquer: Computing Science Research Association http://conquer.cra.org/students This site is tailored toward college students, but provides videos and information about pursuing careers and graduate school education in computer research.
Cybersecurity Careers | Guide to Exploring Careers https://cybersecurityguide.org/careers/ The site contains a wide variety of careers in the cybersecurity field and the step by step process to achieve that goal.
IT Career Finder http://www.itcareerfinder.com/it-careers.html This site provides IT career path descriptions, training and certification information, a job board, video tutorials, and other helpful resources for those interested in entering the field of IT.
Medical Billing and Coding.org http://www.medicalbillingandcoding.org This site provides information about the field of medical billing and coding, education and certification requirements, career information, and advice from experts.